Engineering Courses

Objectives of Engineering Courses

Engineering courses are part of Technical industrial vocation training that helps the learner to acquire practical skills, attitudes and competence relating to occupations in various sectors of economics and social life

Engineering is the practical application of science and math to solve problems, and it is everywhere in the world around you. From the start to the end of each day, engineering technologies improve the ways that we communicate, work, travel, stay healthy, and entertain ourselves. It requires education and skills that span a broad range of technical, social, environmental, and economic problems.

Engineers are problem-solvers who want to make things work more efficiently and quickly and less expensively. Engineering makes our modern life possible. In particular, electrical and mechanical have made remarkable contributions to our world.

Courses Offered in School of Engineering – ICT College Thika

CourseDurationRequirementsExam Body
Craft in Automotive Engineering2 YearsD+ PlusKNEC
Craft in Electrical Engineering 2 YearsD+ PlusKNEC
Artisan in Automotive Engineering 1.5 YearsD (Plain)KNEC
Artisan in Electrical Installation1 YearD (Plain)KNEC
Grade Test – Panel Beating & Motor Vehicle Electrical1 YearOPENNITA
Plumbing Grade Test1 YearOPENNITA